11 dicembre 2009

Dice che l'idea le è venuta mentre lo cambiava: detto fatto! ma ha pensato bene di immortalare l'impresa e mandare le immagini ad una amica via web.
L'amica, forse meno depravata di lei, ha girato la foto al padre del bambino e questi ha avvertito la polizia.


Alicia Lee, a 30-year-old Denver mother, has been charged with sexually abusing her 2-year-old son. The sick bitch gave her son a blow job, took pictures of her performing the act and emailed the pics to a friend. The friend forwarded the pics to the little boy’s father, who called police.
Alicia Lee is free on a $50,000 bond after she was charged with sexual assault on a child, sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust, and aggravated incest, all felonies.
According to a copy of the e-mail, Alicia told her friend that she thought about the sex act while changing the boy’s diapers. The next day, she sent a photo of herself performing the act to a friend and said the boy giggled when she performed it.”
The sending of possible child pornography material via e-mail is being referred to federal authorities for review,” a news release stated.
Lee is scheduled to appear in Denver County Court on Sept. 29, to be formally advised of the charges against her.

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